Welcome Kindergarten Families!

I am so glad to have your child in my class this year and I hope this blog will help keep you updated on your child's activities at school. Enjoy and let me know if you have any feedback about the blog!
Lori Marshman

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nov. 29 What we are learning

Reader's Workshop:
*We read Lillly's Purple Plastic Purse and learned the importance to "check for understanding". We do this by asking the "who and what" while reading a story.  This was added to our CAFE menu so it could possibly be a future reading goal for some of the children.
*We started our unit about nonfiction text. This included:
-learning the difference between fiction and non-fiction
-why we read non-fiction
-we listed what type of non-fiction books we would like to read about
-we listed what type of questions we would like to answer while reading non-fiction text
-we learned about the table of contents and that you don't have to read a non-fiction text from the beginning (Way cool!)

*We reviewed the expectations for reading to self time and buddy reading time during reader's workshop and we learned that strong readers think about how they are doing while reading.  This allowed the children to individually evaluate how they are doing while reading to self and while reading with their partner. They also thought about what they need to work on.

*We read many fiction and non-fiction texts about Thanksgiving including Turkey for Dinner (one of Mrs. Marshman's favorite)

*We also read the books Bear Feels Sick & Bear Feels Scared by Karma Wilson.

*We learned about the different sizes of lower case letters. This included sorting the letters that are tall, small or have tails.  This activity came home so please practice saying the letters and letter sounds with your child. 

*This week we will be finishing our letter experts. Every child will have had the opportunity to be a letter expert. Thank you for your help with this activity!

*We have started to have a morning message that helps us read and write a message every morning. Every child will have a chance to be a morning message star. This child helps us with the morning message and they get to take the morning message home. Please practice reading the morning message when your child brings it home. You will notice that we circle, underline and star many different things on the morning message. This helps us learn our super words, words with different syllables, ending marks and many other concepts about reading and writing.

Writers workshop:
*We have learned that writers write more than what they like or see.
*We learned that writers write more than one idea. I ask them to tell me more.
*We learned that writers go back and add more details.
*We finished our first unit so we brainstormed  a list of what we have already learned in writers workshop. Their writing samples came home with a letter explaining what they have learned so far.  They have really learned a lot already!
*We learned about periods and exclamation marks.
*We brainstormed a list a possible things we could write about.

*We graphed how many boys and girls are in their family.  We tallied how many moms, dads, brothers, sisters and pets are in our family.
*We solved Thanksgiving and family math story problems to help us learn our addition and subtraction.
*We tallied and counted what our favorite holiday is. 
*We learned why calendar time is important and reviewed all the math concepts we learn during calendar time.
*We started to count by 10's and 5's.
*we played the game buzz to 30.
*we practiced writing our numbers to 100.
*we reviewed our shapes and what we find in our world that is those different shapes.

Social Studies/Science:
*we finished our 5 senses book. The book was sent home last week. Please read it with your child.
*Mr. Fay (Will's dad) came in to talk to us about Veteran's day and showed us some very interesting things from WWI and WWII. Thank you so much for helping us understand this important day!
*We made turkeys and wrote 4 things that we are thankful for.
*We made pictures of our house and our family so that we could learn how families are alike and different. (This will be coming home soon.)

****A special thank you to all the parents and family members who have come in so far for their child's star of the week presentation!!!!! Your child really loves when you come in and I appreciate the time you take to come and share with your child!!!! *****

Nov. 21 News & Updates

Dear Kindergarten Families,
Happy Soon to be Thanksgiving day!!! I am so thankful for your child and for you!!! I am thankful they are in my class and that you make education  important to your child. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

*I want to give my apologize for the confusion on the supposed field trip to the museum.  The kindergarten team had sent home a note early in the year regarding a field trip to the museum on Friday, November 19th. As you probably figured out it did not happen. Due to a curriculum change the kindergarten team decided to not go to museum but we will be scheduling a field trip to see a play at First Stage. We will keep you posted when that is scheduled. 

*As a community project, all three kindergartens will be collecting winter hats, mittens, gloves and scarfs to give to children who need them this winter.  If you are able to help with this community project, please send in your donations by Dec. 13th.  Thank you for your generosity!

*A few weeks ago, the children made a project to help them learn the poem the Itsy Bitsy Spider and to help them learn their addresses.  The project has come home so please practice having your child read the poem and say their address.  An important part of being a kindergartener is knowing your address. Thank you for help with this.  


Nov. 22 Buddy day in the afternoon
Nov. 24-28 No School- Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Nov. 30 End of 1st Trimester
Dec. 2 Early Release at 1:55
Dec. 10th Report Cards go home
Dec. 21 Holiday Party (more information will come soon)
Dec. 23-Jan. 2 Holiday break
Jan. 10th Field Trip to EB Shurts Environmental Education building (more information to come in Dec.) 9:00am-11:15am

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nov. 12 Important Dates

* Nov. 11 Veteran's Day-Thanks to all who have served our country!
*Nov. 22 Buddy day in the afternoon
*Nov. 23 No library-Friday schedule
*Nov. 24-26 No School-Happy Thanksgiving!

November 12th What we are learning

Reader's workshop:
*we reviewed what we do when we are buddy reading
*we learned that strong reader's make sure they understand what they read
*we learned how we find and read different "just right books" that we can put into our book baskets.
*we learned that strong readers check for understanding but asking who is in the story and what his happening while reading the story

Writer's Workshop:
*we learned to put spaces between our words so that our words don't crash
*we wrote about what we would be for Halloween
*we learned that writer's write about what they know and has happened to them or will be happening to them
*we learned we need to "Give it a go" when we try to write a new word

*we learned the game "Buzz" which helps us practice counting to 20 and counting by 5's
*we played the number race and no ones game which helps us with counting quickly
*we solved problems about leaves on trees
*we practiced creating and labeling different patterns
*we identified and sorted different shapes

Social Studies & Science:
*we learned about the season of fall by reading a fall mini book
*we started to make a fall five season book which helps us learn more about the season of fall and what the five senses are
*we are starting to learn our addresses by making a house that the Itsy Bitsy spider climbed up (we also read a story about the Itsy Bitsy spider)