Welcome Kindergarten Families!

I am so glad to have your child in my class this year and I hope this blog will help keep you updated on your child's activities at school. Enjoy and let me know if you have any feedback about the blog!
Lori Marshman

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What we are learning: Feb. 6th

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!! I hope you are enjoying a great day with family & Friends!  It sure has been a snowy week and continues to be as I look outside.
Thanks for continuing to send all of the snow gear that is required for this weather.  The children will be allowed to play in the smaller snow banks on the playground but not on the one's on the Pendelton side of our school. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

*A little reminder to make sure you ask or tell your child what they will be having for lunch the Next day. Several of the children are saying they are either having hot or cold lunch the next day and this information is incorrect. This makes it difficult for our 5th graders who eat last. They might not get the food they asked for. Thanks for your understanding and help with this!
*Our Valentine's day party is on Feb. 14th. A note went home regarding the party and my room parents will be contacting parents about helping out with our party. 

What we are learning:

*We have been focusing on learning more about nonfiction books. We read many different books about Polar animals and Martin Luther King, Jr..
*We looked at all our non-fiction books that are in our classroom and sorted books between fiction and non-fiction.
*We reviewed why we read non-fiction books. We realized that nonfiction and fiction books look and sound different.
* We also learned that you don't have to start reading non-fiction books from the beginning.
*We reviewed the strategy to check for understanding by reading the book Knuffle Bunny by MoWillems.
*We were introduced to the concept to expand our vocabulary by looking for fun and interesting words. We did this by reading the book Kitten's Full Moon.
*We learned about the reading strategy to cross check which is to make sure the words and the pictures make sense together.
*We learned to look at the beginning sound to figure out unknown words.
*We reviewed ten of our kindergarten high frequency words. We used magnet letters to create these words and we wrote the words on the dry erase board. We also read two poems that had many of these 10 super words and then found them on our SMART board and read them in our poetry binders.
*We have also started to do our morning message on the SMART board. You will notice that those messages are coming home so that you can read them with your child.

*We read Owl Moon and listed the details that we heard in the story and reviewed that we need details in our story.
*We wrote a small moment about our princess and pirate day and then they practiced writing their own small moment.
*We learned how to write non-fiction by raeding aboug and writing facts about a polar bear, a walrus and a penguin.
*We did a picture walk through Knuffle Bunny and looked at what different things the author did with the words and the details in the pictures. 
*We also noticed that the author of Knuffle Bunny used speech bubbles so some of us tried to use speech bubbles in our writing.

*We practiced writing our numbers by filling in the missing numbers on the snowflakes. 
*We solved polar animal story problems on the smart board and individually.
*We practiced writing our numbers with a polar counting book.
*We continue to play buzz but now we count up to 100.
*We played teen & twenty bingo to help us learn those numbers.
*We learned a money song and our beginning to use to pennies and dimes during calendar time to count how many days we have been in school.
*We practiced estimating many different objects and see how close our smart guess is.
*We learned about numbers that are greater than by playing the card game war.
*We practiced measuring by using links to measure our long jumps and then we graphed our jumps on the SMART Board.
*We played football math by coloring different footballs and counting how many we had of each.

Science/Social Studies:
*We have been learning about Arctic & the Antartica and the animals that live in these two places. We have been making our own non-fiction book about these animals.
*We wrote about living and non-living book.  These are shared at conferences.

Important Dates:
Feb. 8 Florentine Opera comes to our school
Feb. 9 100 day party (please bring in canned goods all week for our all school food drive)
Feb. 14 Valentine's day party
Feb. 24 No school for kids-budget inservice day
Feb. 25 No School for everyone-winter break