Welcome Kindergarten Families!

I am so glad to have your child in my class this year and I hope this blog will help keep you updated on your child's activities at school. Enjoy and let me know if you have any feedback about the blog!
Lori Marshman

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Important dates & information

*We will not have library this Tuesday because we will be "pretending" it is a Thursday and go through a Thursday schedule and on Wednesday we will "pretend" it is a Friday.
*Our Halloween party & parade will be on Oct. 27th. Parents are welcome to come at 2:10 to take pictures of your child in our classroom and the parade will start at 2:30. Please send your child to school with their costume. They will have help in the afternoon to put it on.
*We will not have school on Oct. 28 & 29 and Nov. 1 due to teacher's convention.
*We will not have school on Nov. 24-26 due to Thanksgiving.
*Thanks to all of you who came to conferences!!! I enjoyed talking to each of you about your child's learning. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Science & Social Studies

*We went for a fall walk around the Bethesda neighborhood and talked about the signs of fall. We then made a beautiful centerpiece out of some of the items we found. We sure hope you enjoy them.
*We made cows & sheep and read a book about "If I were  a sheep" to get ready to our field trip to the farm.
*We learned about baby farm animals and matched the babies to their Moms.
*We made fall leaves that we colored with chalk.
*We made a Barn book to help us remember all the fun things we did at the farm. I hope your child read the book to you and talked about the farm with you. 
*We went to Green Meadows pumpkin farm!!! We had a fantastic time and the weather couldn't have been better! Thanks to all of the parent chaperones!!! Your help made all the difference in the success of this trip!!!

What we are learning: Math Oct. 24

*We finished our shape books by learning about the shape of a rhombus and then we wrote in our book what things in our world are in the shape of a rhombus.
*We sorted and counted (and ate) multicolored fish crackers. 
*We solved story problems about scarecrows and crows.
*We graphed our favorite farm animal and our favorite kind of chip. (Cheetos was an overwhelming favorite!)
* We solved Halloween story problems.
*We practiced writing our numbers.
*We continue to practice counting to 100.

What we are learning: Writer's Workshop Oct. 24

*We learned that writers think before they write. 
*We learned what speech bubbles are and we wrote our own for our scarecrows.
*We learned how to use our alphabet chart to help us find letters and letter sounds when we are writing.
*We learned to write the first sound of the new words we are trying to write.
*We learned to do our best our "kindergarten" writing by spelling the best we can and then moving on.
*We continue to practice to stretch out our new words like a rubber band to help us write those words.

What we are learning: Reader's Workshop Oct. 24

*We learned that strong readers read every day at home and at school.
*We learned that strong readers take care of their books and protect their reading time. (We called this being reading police.)
*We were reminded of the all the expectations of Readers Workshop and we started to evaluate how we are doing in each of the five areas of Readers Workshop.
*We started to learn to look at the beginning sound which we call "getting our mouth ready."
*We all have "just right books" in our book basket and we know we have to read at least two of those just right books right when we start our reading to self time.
*We practiced sequencing different events in a story (first, middle, last).
*We learned the super words "me" and "my" and we continue to practice reading our former super words.
*We read many books about farm animals including Mrs. Wishy Washy and Hattie and the Fox.
* We added a new song to our poetry binders about farm animals. We practice reading this poem using our touch and read strategy.
*We played super word swat where we swatted the super words with a fly swatter.
*Continue to keep reading with your child every day for at least 15 minutes. The children are getting so excited to learn about reading so they would love to show what they can do at home.  Some of your child's homemade books have started to come home and the rest will come home this coming week.  Enjoy reading those books with your child.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Walk

On Thursday, Oct. 21 we are planning on going for our fall walk around the Bethesda neighborhood.  This helps us observe what happens in the season of fall.  Afterwards,we will make a centerpiece out of things we find.  Let's hope the weather cooperates.

Fall Halloween Parade

All kindergarten parents are invited to come on Wednesday, Oct. 27th at 2:15 to Mrs. Marshman classroom to see and take pictures of your child in their Halloween costume.  Following the picture taking you may watch the parade in the gym!!! Hope to see you there!

Field Trip

Thanks to all of you who volunteered to be a chaperone to our first field trip to the pumpkin farm.  Unfortunately, I only need five parents to chaperone so if you were not contacted I will be sure you come to a different field trip.  The parents who will be coming are: Aaron's Mom, Sam's mom or dad, Marisa's mom, Ariana's Mom & Laurens Mom.  The field trip to the pumpkin farm is on Wednesday, Oct. 20. Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather and that he/she brings a bag lunch with a drink and a bag or pillow case for their pumpkin. The children are highly anticipating this exciting day!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Final thoughts

Have a great week and please contact me with any questions or comments!!!

What we are learning: Math

*We practiced writing the numbers 0-9 on dry erase boards and in our number writing books.  We also learned a number writing song to help us remember how to write our numbers.

*We started to learn about shapes and what shapes we see in the world.  So far we learned about circles, ovals, squares, rectangles and triangles.  We also read books about each of these shapes.

*We continue to practice counting to 100 every day and counting how many days we have been in school. 

*We continue to graph the weather and we noticed that September was a very sunny month. YEAH!

What we are learning: Writer's Workshop

*We learned to stretch out words like a big rubber band to help us write new words.

*We read the book School Buses by Donald Crews to help us learn that we need pictures and words in our writing.

*We learned what conferencing looks like and sounds like when we are writing. This is another special time that Mrs. Marshman has with each student.

*We wrote about one activity that we did in kindergarten the month of September.

*We learned about looking at our writing folders and the word wall  to remember how to write our letters and super words.

What we are learning: Reader's Workshop

*We read The Napping House by Audrey Wood. We practiced retelling this fun story by making our own book about the Napping House.  We also practiced telling what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story.  This also a great activity to practice at home. 

*We read the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?. With this book, we practiced reading our color words and we made our own books so that we practice "touching and reading" the story. Our books are in our book baskets at school.

*We read several books about firefighters to help us get ready for our visit from the Waukesha firefighters on Wednesday.  We learned about fire safety and we even went inside the fire engine! Wow!!! The children loved it!

*We learned about different ways that partners read together and we practice every day reading with our partner. 

* We learned that Mrs. Marshman has "conferences" with us when we are reading to our self and with our partner.  We understand how important that special time is.

*We listed why reading is important and what are our the things we want to learn as readers this year. This helped us so that Mrs. Marshman can help us set up our reading goals that will be shared at conferences.

*We learned about just right books and we are beginning to pick out books that are just right for us.

*We shared our best reading memories when we read at home with our families. 

*We learned the super words "See" and "the".

Important Information

* Parent/teacher conferences are Oct. 14 & 19. Green slips were sent home on Oct. 6th. I look forward to seeing all of you!
*This Wednesday, Oct. 13 we have early release at 1:55pm.  Thank you for being on time to pick up your child.
*Field trip permission slips and money for the pumpkin farm are due this Wednesday, Oct. 13. 
*Our field trip to the pumpkin farm is Oct. 20th. We will leave at 9:00pm and return at 2:00pm.
*We have library on Tuesdays. Please be sure your child brings their book so that they can check out a new book.
*Our Halloween party & parade will be on Oct. 27th. More information will be coming soon.
*We will not have school on Oct. 28 & 29 and Nov. 1 due to teacher's convention.