Welcome Kindergarten Families!

I am so glad to have your child in my class this year and I hope this blog will help keep you updated on your child's activities at school. Enjoy and let me know if you have any feedback about the blog!
Lori Marshman

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What we are learning: Math

*We practiced writing the numbers 0-9 on dry erase boards and in our number writing books.  We also learned a number writing song to help us remember how to write our numbers.

*We started to learn about shapes and what shapes we see in the world.  So far we learned about circles, ovals, squares, rectangles and triangles.  We also read books about each of these shapes.

*We continue to practice counting to 100 every day and counting how many days we have been in school. 

*We continue to graph the weather and we noticed that September was a very sunny month. YEAH!