Welcome Kindergarten Families!

I am so glad to have your child in my class this year and I hope this blog will help keep you updated on your child's activities at school. Enjoy and let me know if you have any feedback about the blog!
Lori Marshman

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What we are learning: Math Oct. 24

*We finished our shape books by learning about the shape of a rhombus and then we wrote in our book what things in our world are in the shape of a rhombus.
*We sorted and counted (and ate) multicolored fish crackers. 
*We solved story problems about scarecrows and crows.
*We graphed our favorite farm animal and our favorite kind of chip. (Cheetos was an overwhelming favorite!)
* We solved Halloween story problems.
*We practiced writing our numbers.
*We continue to practice counting to 100.